How Many Websites Use HTML? 10 Astonishing Statistics That Shape Web Development

Ogi Djuraskovic
Updated: September 12th, 2024
3 min read
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How Many Websites Use HTML? 10 Astonishing Statistics That Shape Web Development

HTML is the most prevalent programming language in the modern world. Even the least tech-savvy laymen out there have heard of it and come in contact with it daily when they go online.   

However, while we all know that the entire internet basically runs on HTML, it’s difficult to understand just how mind-bogglingly dominant it really is. 

Today, we will discuss some of the most exciting and eye-opening HTML stats that will change your perspective. 

  • 1.9 billion of all websites use HTML, and 190 million of those are active.
  • Over 95% of all websites use HTML.
  • 90% of all websites are based on HTML5 DOCTYPE.
  • 65% of all web developers use HTML.
  • The average salary in the US for HTML developers is $125,000 
  • All major web browsers support the HTML language.

Exploring the Top 10 HTML statistics shaping the Web

Here are some of the hidden gems about HTML that will leave you speechless.  

1. Over 95% of websites use HTML for the best performance.

Over 95% of all websites use HTML and its categories for creating efficient and fast online environments. ​

Source: W3Techs

2. 1.9 billion of all websites use HTML, and 190 million of those are active.

As technology advances, more and more websites spawn on the internet (around 2 billion). However, less than 20% of these websites are active, reaching the 200 million network. Since HTML is present in over 95% of these websites, 1.9 billion of them use HTML, and 190 million of this number are active HTML users. 

Source: Internetlivestats, W3Techs

3. 97% of all HTML users utilize HTML5 for web development.

A subcategory of HTML called HTML5 is the leading language, with over 90% of all websites on the internet using this subcategory. The most shocking part is that nearly 97% of HTML users utilize HTML5 for web development. 

Source: W3Techs

4. 65% of all web developers use HTML to create efficient websites.

More than half of new web developers use the HTML language for their efficient websites. CSS goes hand-in-hand with HTML (about 55% of users), while JavaScript leads the web, with over 65% of developers using this programming language.

Source: Statista

5. 90% of the top 1000 websites on search engines utilize HTML5.

90% of the top 1000 websites use HTML5, making it the most customizable and optimization-friendly language.

Source: W3Techs

6. The most popular websites, such as Netflix, Facebook, and Instagram, are HTML users.

Some of the most renowned websites use HTML for web development, such as: 


Source: W3Techs

7. A mind-blowing 90% of all websites are based on HTML5 DOCTYPE.

A staggering 90% of all existing webpages are based on HTML5 DOCTYPE, making it one of the most-used HTML subcategories.

Source: Try.Powermapper

8. All browsers support the HTML language.

Whichever browser you can think of supports the HTML programming language. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge are just some HTML supporters. 

Source: Caniuse

9. The average salary in the US for HTML developers is $125,000. 

The average salary for an HTML developer has reached an astounding $125,000 in the US yearly. This position may be your perfect choice if you want to roll the dough.  

Source: ZipRecruiter

10. HTML developers earn from $60 to $62 hourly.

If you want to live the American Dream, you should consider becoming an HTML developer – the average hourly rate in the US is around $60, but you can earn up to $62 with consistency and practice.  

Source: ZipRecruiter


It’s interesting to see how HTML has become such a dominant force in web development. With these eye-opening statistics in mind, it’s safe to say that HTML truly is the king of the web.

4 comments on “How Many Websites Use HTML? 10 Astonishing Statistics That Shape Web Development”

  1. vandana

    Great post on HTML stats! It’s amazing how these details can really boost a website’s performance. At Zinbay, we use insights like these to fine-tune our web development and help our clients shine online. If anyone’s curious about how to make their site even better or needs a hand with HTML and more, we’re here to help. Thanks for the awesome info

  2. Pooja Yadav

    The current code language for HTML contemporary in all over in the world

  3. Oma Käse fuss

    Thais Info shocs me

  4. Omlma

    That is reltivly cool that HTML is so usde

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