100+ Types of Digital Content You Can Make

A lot of people would love to start a blog but have trouble deciding what types of content they could post. Some would like to have mixed content but can’t decide what to choose. Every day we can see different content types, and they all have their respective audience. Surely, one can’t relate to every content type there is.
Also, there are new types of content coming out almost every day.
So how do you decide which type of content best fits you? Well, we have created a list of more than 100 types of content for you. By the end of this article, you will be able to decide which content type is down your alley.
First, you need to know that we divided digital content into three broad groups:
Textual content is that type of content that requires no audio or video material. All it takes is your love for words and the knowledge to form those words compellingly. There’s a lot of content you can create using only text, and the audience is vast also.
Multimedia content includes a mixture of different materials, and it’s a much larger group than the first one. This group includes video, audio, pictures, or a combination of all content.
So let’s take a look at what types of content you can create for your blog, and what each content type has to offer.
Textual content
1. Blog posts
Blog posts are the type of textual content that allows you to create continuous and consistent content. Blog posts allow you to express your creativity and opinion on any given subject. It’s always a good idea to have the schedule for your posts and make them consistent.
2. Articles
Another type of textual content that allows you to publish your company news, announcements or any other kind of content. It’s like having your magazine.
3. How to
In most cases, this is a textual content that provides instructions to its readers. You can help people learn how to do various things, build stuff or use some software. It’s not uncommon to create video or audio “How to” content as well.
4. Guides
If you consider yourself a Guru in a particular topic, then creating guides would be a great way to teach others. Share your knowledge and guide people through all kinds of different issues.
5. Lists
Think about any topic and you can create a list. You can list top movies, books, all kinds of products and services. This type of content has a vast audience and if you like creating lists, just go for it.
6. Q & A
Question & Answer is always a favorite content. A lot of people on the internet have questions about almost everything. Creating this kind of content offers a great opportunity for an impressive number of visits. It can be textual or multimedia, depending on your preferences.

7. Case studies
Case studies tell stories of your customers and how you’ve helped them solve their issues. It is an excellent way to influence your prospects and turn them into customers.
8. Testimonials
It’s the same as case studies but with a twist. Testimonials show what your clients tell (in their words) about your products or services. It’s a great way to expand your market because you will have real customers sharing their experiences.

9. Interviews
Interviews are helpful content, and they can be textual and multimedia. You could have experts in any field and talk about various related topics. You could talk about some current issues or turn to some past events. It’s all up to you and your creativity.
10. Product reviews
This one can also be textual and multimedia content. Find an exciting product and let everyone know everything there is to know about it. Product reviews are very popular as they help the audience decide on buying a special item.
11. Book reviews
If you like to read books, and you want to share your opinion with the internet, this is your type of content. Book reviews are fun to do and have a great audience you can interact with.
12. Checklists
The checklist is the type of content that allows readers to follow a step-by-step guide through an inevitable process. You share with your readers all the steps they need to take to accomplish something.
13. Research
If you like to research hot topics and share your findings and conclusions, then start a research blog. You can research any topic you find interesting or have access to. This content has a broad audience, and you can make a name for yourself this way.
14. White papers
You can create white papers if you want to give some technical information to your readers. It’s mostly PDF format content that you can share for download. White papers can also present case studies that offer problems and solutions to these problems.
15. Industry news
Find an industry you like, or you think would have a broad audience. Search for the news and report to your audience. Be careful not to copy/paste the story, but rather give your view of the story.

16. Company news
Another great content for all business owners. You can write news about your business and share it with your customers and investors.
17. Guest posts
Guest post is content that allows visitors to post their content on your blog. You can choose the content you like before publishing it to avoid any problems. Recent statistics show that 59.8% of bloggers guest-post at least occasionally.
18. Personal stories
If you have a lot of life stories to tell, this is a great way to share them with the world. You can also have guest writers to share their personal stories with people.
19. Success stories
Let everyone know how you made it to the top. Share your tactics with others so they can achieve their goals. This content can be textual and multimedia, depending on how you want to present it. There are a lot of people looking for success stories on the internet.
20. Personal bios
The bio is great content to create. It can be textual or multimedia content, and it will always be actual. You can use various resources online to help you research and create this compelling content.
The comment is the best way to get feedback from your readers. No matter what your blog is about, comments will be useful. It’s also a good way to generate new ideas for the future.
22. FAQs
The frequently asked question section is the best way to lower the number of contacts you get about your product or services. This information can provide your visitors with some common questions people already asked you.
23. Glossary
The glossary is textual content that attracts a vast audience. It includes a list of phrases and acronyms related to a unique subject, with their definitions.

24. Wikis
Create Wiki content on a topic related to you. Allow visitors to add content, and you will have a lot of visitors for sure. Also, this will make your blog shared in lots of places and used as a reference in internet disputes. This Star Wars wiki page is a great example of how a wiki page should look.
25. Versus articles
Opposed to “Comparisons” this example of content aims to prove why a certain product or service is better than its opponent. It can also be textual or multimedia content. It is an exceptional way to promote a product that you have to offer.
26. Comparisons
The comparison is a type of content where you compare two or more products to decide which is better. You can create this sort of content in a textual or multimedia form. Take a look at our comparison of the top ten blogging platforms.
27. Predictions
If you think that you can predict individual events based on some info or experience, then you should blog about it. People could visit your blog and read your predictions on presidential elections or FIFA World Cup. Of course, prepare yourself for a lot of raging comments, because not everyone will agree with you.
28. Inspirational messages
If you have a talent and can inspire people with your words, then you can post your inspirational messages. These messages can generate a lot of shares, and there’s a big chance that some of your posts go viral.

29. How to avoid failure
Opposite to success stories, this is content that helps people understand how they could fail in their endeavors. It doesn’t matter if you decide to create textual or multimedia content, it can work either way.
30. Interesting facts
People love to read interesting facts about everything there is. The hotter the topic, the more people will be interested. Facts can be textual or multimedia content, although it would be best if you just keep it textual. Of course, be sure to backup your facts with relevant sources.
31. Funny stories
If you want to amuse your audience, then you can post funny stories on your blog. People love to pass the time searching for funny stories and other similar content. The world is full of funny stories and why not place them on your blog.
The quote can be textual content that you can post on your blog. Quote famous people and share their thoughts with your audience. This type of content attracts a broad audience and promises a big number of social media shares. If you own a business, you can place a quote by an influencer or the industry guru.
33. Literary works
If you have a talent for storytelling and you are creative, you can use your blog to publish your original content. It could be short stories, poems, or any other type of literary content.
34. Microblog posts
If you like to post short but valuable textual content to comment on a particular event or share your general thoughts, this is a nice way. People often complain that Twitter doesn’t offer enough characters, so beat Tweeter at their own game.
35. Best practice
It’s not a bad idea to share your best practice experience with your audience. People love to make their jobs easier and if you can help them with that – why not?
36. Metaphors
If you want to write about something everyone is writing about, it’s not a bad idea to do it differently. Approach a subject from another angle and tell the same story from an entirely different perspective.
37. Scheduled events
You can post a schedule to events you plan to organize or attend. Allow your audience to know where they could follow you. Also, it will be a useful reminder for your visitors if they want to meet you.

38. “Why” content
Explain to your audience how something happened or why some things are in a certain way. You can do it using solid facts or be controversial – which is always more fun.
39. Cost sheet
If you own a business website and sell some products, it’s a good idea to have an expense sheet. The cost sheet shows the prices of your products to your customers.
40. Product announcements
If you have to release a new product shortly, it would be a smart move to announce it. You can prepare your audience for it and have them waiting to build up the public interest.
41. Newsletters
This material serves to inform people about new products and services. This content is useful if you own a business. You can create newsletters to inform your clients about your most recent updates.
42. Promoted post
You can push a particular item such as free or gift offers from a particular brand that is related to your niche. Promos are standard practice, and bloggers do it all the time.
43. Recipes
If you are good at cooking and you would like to share your skills with the rest of the world, this is the right content for you. You can choose to make this textual or multimedia content, depending on your personal preferences.
44. Disclaimers
The disclaimer is usually a single page of textual content that explains copyright issues. You can also use a disclaimer to explain your intent and the purpose of your blog or a post.
Multimedia content
45. Infographics
This content is all about visualization. It shows facts, statistics and other relevant information in a visual way. Infographics are a growing trend, and there’s a bright future for all who create this kind of content.
46. Cheat sheets
The cheat sheet is a type of content that attracts a vast number of visitors. People love to cut corners and do things the easy way. You can use and create cheat sheets, depending on your needs and preferences.
47. eBooks
You can probably guess that eBooks are practically electronic books. You can create them and share on various websites or store them on your blog as a PDF for anyone to download. The main difference between an eBook and a simple blog post is that eBooks are much larger and detailed content.
48. Screenshots
If you want to prove your point and you don’t want to spend too much time explaining yourself this is the way to do it. Just take screenshots of already created content and make your point.
49. Audio posts
This type of multimedia content allows you to send your message to the audience with your voice. You can use recording software and then just post the audio file for everyone to listen.
50. Audiobooks
Same as eBooks, but uses the audio medium. If you have your eBook, you can record yourself reading chapter by chapter and share it on your blog. If you don’t like the way your voice sounds, you can always hire someone to do it for you. Here is how you can narrate your own eBook:
51. Photography
If you like to take photos then posting photography content is an exceptional way to express yourself and your work. You can create stock photos that people can download for a fee. Or you can allow them to use them for free. It’s all up to you.
52. Podcasts
The podcast is audio content you can create to share your views on various topics. People can sign up for your podcast if you decide to publish files in a series. You record audio files and post them on your blog for people to download or listen.

53. Vlog
Vlog is video content that you can post on your blog and have people come and follow you. You can create a travel Vlog and share stories from your travels. It is hot content at the moment, and it’s still growing larger. Here is an interesting Vlog example.
54. Live videos
Use your blog to create live video content. Visitors can enjoy your live stream and comment on your activities. This type of content is pretty popular among the younger population.
55. Micro videos
Short videos can promote a product or an idea. It’s a nice way to get your short message out to your audience. You can use a video maker to create them. They can last a few seconds and still convey a powerful message.
56. Presentations
Create a presentation of your product or service and embed it on your page. The presentation is a comprehensive way to share an idea or a project with your audience.
57. Webinars
If you are very skilled in your area, you can start webinars and have people log in and hear what you have to say. It’s a great way to make a real name for yourself, and share your knowledge with those who are interested.
58. Polls
Pools are multimedia content that you can generate to get public opinion on any given topic. They are easy to create, there are a lot of plugins that you can use to make polls.
59. Online events
Your blog can be a place where people could watch online events you attended or read about it. This is a good way to share your experiences from events related to your niche.
60. Courses
The course is a type of educational content that gathers people interested in learning new things. You can also help people get certain skills that you would pass onto them.
61. Surveys
If you like to gather data or different opinions, you can create all sorts of studies that your visitors could fill out for you. You can also send them via email and get even more visitors.

62. Roundups
To create this content, all you need to do is collect content related to your industry which interests you. Then you list it all up for your visitors, so they don’t have to spend time doing the research. The smartest move would be to choose from the most popular content on the internet. You can publish these posts weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Here is a good example of how to make expert roundup posts.
63. SlideShares
SlideShare is multimedia content that allows you to create slideshows and post them on your blog. This way you can present your work, ideas or some fun photos with your audience.
64. Data visualization
This content allows you to visually show all your data with all sorts of charts and graphs. It’s also a growing trend, and it can find its purpose in almost any industry.
65. Data collecting
You can post some interesting data or research results that people would be interested to see. This information is a fine way to get a specific audience on your blog.
66. Diagrams
It’s visual content that uses multimedia to show relations between certain events or people. It’s a great way to simplify complex data because your audience has a visual context. Here is a good example of marketing diagrams that explain content marketing.
67. Illustrations
You can create pictures to make a point or tell a short story. Illustrations are graphic content that you can set up and post on your blog. You can also combine illustrations and textual content so that image amplifies your text.
68. GIFs
Animated Gifs are multimedia content that shows a short action that repeats over and over again. It’s mostly used for fun and shows entertaining content. It is an excellent way to get a lot of likes and shares on social networks. You can use an online gif maker to easily whip up GIFs using YouTube videos or photos as the source.
69. Demonstrations
The demonstration is pretty much self-explanatory. You can create multimedia content and show how your product works. If you don’t offer any product, you can show how some other products work. It’s common for the younger generation to show video game plays.
70. Transparency
Let’s say you own a business. Maybe you want to share your financial info with your customers. Maybe you want to show your growth and investments or plans. That’s what transparency is all about. It can also be textual or multimedia content; it all depends on how you want to present your data. Microsoft is one of the most transparent large corporations. Here is how they do it.
71. Posters
This type of content predates the digital era. It shows information, but it doesn’t rely on text as much as a visual aspect. You can create posters if you want to point out an issue with as few words as possible.
72. Memes
The meme is graphic content used for comedy and entertainment. Memes are photos or screenshots with a humorous message written on the top or the bottom side. People like to see memes, and they are among the most shared content on the internet.
73. Comics and cartoons
If you are creative and want to make people laugh, then this is the perfect content for your blog. There’s not much to explain, we all know what comics and cartoons are. Take a pen or a mouse, start drawing and create interesting and funny stories.
74. Competitions
You can create all kinds of contests people can enter. To guarantee fairness, you can allow visitors to vote for their favorite.
75. Online magazine
The magazine is multimedia content that you can create and have a large audience that would become regular. It’s up to your personal preferences what the magazine would include. There are lifestyle, tech, construction, home development, and many other topics you can exploit.

76. Quizzes
The quiz is fun content to create, and it can attract a massive audience. There are a lot of plugins that you can use to create fun and interesting quizzes.
77. Music videos
If you are a music fan and want to share music videos you like with other people, then you can embed all kinds of music videos on your blog. Music can attract a lot of audiences and take your blog to a new level.
78. PSA
Public service announcements can be textual or video content that can have an impact on the general public. You can use PSA to address any burning issue or educate the public on various topics. PSA content creators prefer video content as they can convey their emotions to the public easier.
79. Maps
The map is multimedia content that you can post on your blog and share with your visitors. You can point out interesting places or historical events that happened in a precise place or area.
80. Forums
This type of content is an excellent way to get a lot of visitors on your page. People can discuss a broad number of topics and get some answers. It’s a great way for people to share their knowledge and experience.
81. Fan page
If you are a fan of some pop star or a movie star, then this is a nice way to share your devotion with others. You can post photos, stories, videos and other related stuff to your fans. This type of content usually attracts a younger audience.
82. Media mentions
If your business was ever noticed by media, it’s not a bad idea to create a page and share it with your clients and visitors. Let everybody know what the media thinks about you and your business.

83. Giveaways
People love free stuff. If you want to attract more audiences to your blog, then this is an outstanding way to reach this goal.
84. Feature pages
This content relates to specific features of a single product. It’s a great way to promote a product that you love or sell. Here are some interesting examples of nicely designed product pages.
85. Daily shows
This type of multimedia content allows you to address your audience on a regular basis. You can talk about any given topic and draw inspiration from your audience. Askgaryvee Show is a nice example for you.
Other contents
86. Plugins
This type of content is a good way to fill in some blank spots on your blog. You can try and find all sorts of plugins that your visitors could use.
87. Templates
This content allows you to explain to your audience how to do something. For example, you can create templates for various forms and sheets. Just make sure that you’ve got all your facts straight. You can also allow your visitors to download templates for a fee and make some money on the way.
88. Free tools
You can offer various free tools for all kinds of purposes to your audience. You can also create different sections of your blog, each containing devices respective to that section. You can decide if you are only going to share the story of those tools or post links for download.
89. Browser extensions
This content allows you to promote and expand your business, with content integrated into Chrome or some other browser.
90. QR codes
If you have a product or service to offer to your visitors, then custom QR codes can be useful content. People can scan QR code and order a product or sign up for a service.
91. Free resources
Just gather as much free stuff for your visitors to download. You can choose to share external links to those resources if you like. Also, you can create different sections so people could easily find what they need. Take a look at our section of Useful Blogging Resources created to help web newbies establish their online identity.
92. Live Chat
You can create live chat on your blog and attract users this way. Visitors could talk and have fun, share information and experiences. You can watch the chat and see if there are any troublemakers.
93. Mobile Apps
It’s old news that more and more people use mobile devices above desktop computers. You can use this to gather all those people on your blog. Share mobile apps or develop your own and post them on your blog for everyone to download.
94. Countdowns
Countdowns are interesting and amusing content. You can place this content on your blog to show a countdown to New Year or a beginning of an important event. There are blogs dedicated only to countdowns until specific events happen.
95. Social network buttons
If you want your blog to be seen by as many people as possible, then you need to place social buttons on your blog. People can share your posts with a click of a button. This way you will be seen on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.
96. Calculators
Calculators are useful content that can help your visitors figure many things. You can help them count how much money they will spend on a particular project or trip. It’s all up to your creativity and the market demands.

97. Converters
This type of content allows your visitors to convert currency or different units (meters, pounds, inch, ounce, etc.). Not all people in the world use the same system of units, and that’s why converters can be useful.
98. User generated content
Open up your blog for visitors and allow them to post any content with your approval. This kind of content is an excellent way to form a massive audience. You can administer everything that visitors post and delete unwanted content.
99. Collaborations
Sometimes you can create content working together with other bloggers. This way bloggers promote each other and help each other out.
100. Email campaign
A type of marketing content that allows you to share your news and projects with your customers. Create a list of recipients and let them know every time you have something exceptional in store.
101. Landing pages
An awesome way to expand your email list. Landing pages usually offer something to the visitor in exchange for their email address.
102. Promo-sites
This one is pretty much self-explanatory. Promo-sites are pages that promote a unique product or a service. It can be your product, or someone can pay you to promote their product or service.
103. Income reports
Some business owners like to share their earnings reports. It’s a nice way to stay transparent and show your clients how your business develops.

104. Best awards
Bloggers love to compete. Events that offer awards for the best digital content are another interesting way to promote your page and get a new audience. Here is an example of such content.
105. Online games
If you are skilled at developing simple browser games that would attract people to your blog, this is something you could do. There are also online games that you could just host on your blog and reach an audience as well.
106. Offline magazines
If you are a fan of printed media, you can scan some printed magazines and post them for your audience. It’s a nice way to keep an archive that people would use when needed.
107. Swag
Show thanks to your customers and supporters. Send them fun and useful gifts with your business logo. It’s a great way to show your appreciation and promote your brand.
108. Ads
If you have a blog, you can place ads on some posts to advertise the related brand. It is a legitimate and easy way to make some extra money for yourself.
Content is not limited to the written material but is easily overlooked. It is often best to utilize numerous forms of content and give your audience more than one way to obtain the knowledge. Great content knows what the audience wants and delivers it. Do that, and you can’t fail.
So glad you think so!
Thank you. It is indeed a long list of content!
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